Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

94 d Difcourf cf trace haypinef. great and dangerous confumptions of fpirituall life. For if worldlineffe once take poffefionof our heats, it wafres by little and little our joy in heavenly things, our comfort in the communion ofSaints, our longings for the incompre- henfible and everlafling happineffe : it banifheth all thoughts . oftheworth ofour foules, of the foirituali frate of our con fcience, ofthe vanity and change of this prefent life, ofthe glorious rilingagaine ofour bodies, and the immortality of the fecond life : and in fread thereof filleth us with earthly cares,with feares,jealoufies, griefes, hopes, wishes, indepen- dance upon the providence of God, and a thoufand plat- forme, for the encreaíèment and fearing of our outward felicity and fecurity : It makes us infenfibie ofGods judge- ments, ofour falling from ourfirft love, ofthe danger where- in we(land : It makesus put farre fromus the evil' day ; and to thinkeour mountaine fo ftrong, that wee íhall never be . mooved, but continue in our happy irate, and dye in the nefr. $. Secondly, he feekes to weaken our pradtice ofgodlineffe, by fatteningupon us uncheerefulneffe, and unprofìtablenein in the meanesof the prefervation ofgrace. For ifhecanonce makeus cold andnegligent, or onely formali, and curfory in the daily examination of our confciences, in hearing the Wordof God, ha thegodly exercìfes with our fchollers or families, in publikeprayer, or our more private frriving with Godby groaner and fighes, for the tapplieof forne grace or removall of fome corruption; then there ever follower a Ianguifhing and decay of the life ofgrace._ If webut perfun- aorily receive the heavenly food into our underfrandings;. and being hindered by diftradtions, carelefneffe or worldly cares,not digeft it by meditation and conference, andby Ipi ritual' exercife offervent prayer convey it into the f "verall 'parts of our foules our newmanwill quickly fall into acon- £amption. Thirdly, he doth notably dull and darken our holineffe and fincerity, by rafting us upon ungodly and prophane company : whichhath I know not what ferret andbewitch- ing