Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

1$ TheLifeandDeath 119 dedicated to Serjeant Nicolls his Patron, which for thegodlineffeofthematter, and eloquence ofthe fIile thereincontained,was univerfallybought up, and divers havecon- feffed,that at firfl bought it out of curiofity, forCome fweet relifh in the Phrafe , tooke CHRIST to boote and thereby tooke the firfl beginningoftheir heavenly taft, About thefortiethyeareofhis age,for the better fetlingof himfelfe in houfe-keeping upon hisPerfonage, heerefolved upon ma- riage, and tooke to wife Mrs. Anne Boyfe a Gentlewomanofan ancienthoufe andwor- lhipfull family in Kent , towhofecarebee committed the orderingof his outward e- fIate , lice himfelfeonely mindingthe flu- dies and weighty affaires ofhis heavenly calling, in thewhich for the fpaceoftwee. tyyeares andmore, beewas fodiligent and laborious, that twiceeveryLords day hee Preached , and Catechized in the After- noone, in whichCatechifme he expounded the Creedand ten Commandements in a veryexa&manner; And upon everyHoly- day, andon everyFridaybefore the Sacra- ment