Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

of Mr. Bolton 35 " vehat hebadformerly told them in his Minifle- sc ry , protefling to them , thatthedoElrive 'which cc hehadpreached to thornfor thefpaceoftwenty ccyeares, 'was the truthofGon, as hejbouldan- ',fiver it at the Tribunall ofCHR 1 s r, before cc -whom bee fhould thorny appearé. This hee fpake when the very pangs of death were upon him. Whereupon averydew friend ofhis takinghim by thehand, and asking him ifhe felt not muchpaine, Trulyno (laid hee) thegreatefi Ifeele is your coldhand, And then fpeaking to bec laiddowneagaine,hee fpakeno moreuntill the next morning when he woke his lafi leaveofhis Wife andChil- dren, prayed for them andbleffed themall , and that day in theafternoone aboutfiveof the clocke, being Saturdaythe 17 day ofDe- cernber, AnnoDom. t 6 3 i, in the .y care ofhis ageyeeldeduphis fpiritto G on that gave it, and according tohisowne fpeech celebrated theenfuing Sabbath in theKing- dome of Heaven. Thus in the (pace offif- teeneweekes was.thefrtl and moil glorious light put out inBrougbton,that ere that towne injoyedw that many ages wil render againe And