Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

of Mr. Bolton. in his Booke of VValking czthGo D , and in his Epiale to his Taft Booke dedicated to that religious noble Knight,SirRobert Carre, both by reafons and the confiant practice an pr,. ceptsoftheancient Fathers, preach- ing twice aday, fometicnes every day , bath abundantly and unanfwerably confuted. I will onely add two examplesoflater times, theone, of renowned Calevin (the gloryof in ea/v. hisage) who Preached or Leaured almo fl &e; eMca.h. every day, and Come dayes twice ; which Ad"' Preachingswere foexcellent,that theywere thematter of thole laborious and learned Commentaries of his upon the Bible , which occafioned Dr. Reynolds aptlyand truly to call hi¿n doEl(sinus fdelfsimrís Scripturx irterpres, themofl learned and faithfull ex- pounder of Scripture. other, ofour moll precious lewd, who was a very fre- quent and confiant Preacher, and haftned his owndeath thisway: for,riding topreach at Lacock inWilt ¡hire, a gentleman that met himperceiving the feebleneffe of his body, (which bee hadwartedout in (Lich (pirituall labours) advìfedhim for healths fake to retu4ne