Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

To the Reader. further vengeance , except weamend , andrcturne to our firtl love. Would to God that we wouldkeepefrefh in our minds but this one confideration : That the fame God, which (against the expectation bath ofheaven and earth, ofRome andhell, ofdevils andPapifls) turnedourfeares andamazements at the deathofthat glorious Saint , the late cserne, intofafety , and a fore foundation, by the molt happy fuccefon of our gracious Soveraigne , and his Royal/ feede ; can (out ofhis jolt judgement for our unthankefi lne(feandfecuritie, in the very turning of an hand anddoling ofan eye) dajh all our hopes ; and 'hut up the whole Body of this floorijhing Kingdom in the pit of irrecoverable deftrultion, It hadbeene done, had Fauxfired the Powder : andwho knaves what thofe du- fie and bloody heads are even now hammering in the fame kind? Befides theft two now mentioned there is another capital/ catfe ofGods heavie di/ leafire 3 which thoughit make nogreat noife, nor bee much taken notice ofupon earth , yet it is much loathed of God t_Al. mightie, and cries /audio heavenfor vengeance upon us It ïs a l:ske-warmeneffe;& unzealoufneffe; a coldandcare_ leemediocrity in (j irituall matters,and(o it were)aneu- trality betwixt notoriostsfnfulne(feand raving finceritie. Whenmen (perhaps) withdiligence, willingneffe,andfor- wardnefefu6rnit thernfelves to the hearingofthe rVord; but fubordinate thepower &practtce therof, io their cafe, honours, andworldlycontentments : When they will needs hold an outward correlßandence with the world, andyet inwardly maintairie and noarifh hope offalvatien in themfelves : When they ftraine their wits, andfirive to partakeboth ofthecomfortablefavour ofGod, and cor- ruptfat ions ofthe times, bothof the pleafures of their fweet