Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Luk. tG. a To the Reader. fweet Panne, andthefweetne /Te ofthe truepeace ofconfci_ ence, which are 43 tncurrent as twoparallel lints andaz incompatible acs light and darkeneffe There men though (n_ t u e worlds opinion) theybe ofcivill holly' carriage of moderateIlirits,andofa f aiedtemper in relrgron; and (in j their owne conceits) rich and enriched , and want no- thing ; yet indeed they aremere flarvelings , andflarke beggers in rcfeít of the true riches, andtailing treafures offlyinggrace;and in the very cafeofthofe (except in the meane time they buy of himgold, g:/rmenrs, and oy le) which lb ill never fee Chri/l Iefrdr inhis kingdome to their comfort for A.nen, the £t rh all and rruc wirneík bath vowed it,that he willflue lathout ofhis mouth ; andwi- /heth'much rather that they were key cold, then fuchfor- mal Chrifliaas: His f eech imports thus mach: t had rather you were Pagans and Infidels, then Profefours without zeale Nowmy chiefsatadfjbeciail aime ìa (with all humble fubmij?ion tobetterjudgements .6 the cenfure o f the Pro. phet, )to lay opë theflate ofthefemen,becaufe(befides their [carefull deceivingoftheir ownfoules,andpararcular cer- taine d. mnation,if they ro continue) they mightily incenfe the Lords wrath a asnlu this land, with an i,ifenOle and unacknowledgedprovocation;andman--ly hazardthe con- tinuanceofhis glorious Gofbel anion,fi us. art is common- ly conceived indeed,bothof themfelves, and ofthe world; the i(they be morally honefl, andoutwardly conformable to the Minillery ofthe Ward; (o that they be huttleffe and innocent in reJet1ofhumaneWilke; that they are alto(I know not how) harmelefe andguiltleffe before the Tribu. nailofGod But the Evangelrlt tels to, Toat that which is highly efteemed among men, is abomination in the fight of God : AndGodhimfelfe by Ifaiah , That his