Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

f To the Reader. his thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are his waiesourwales. For certainly thefiateofthe lake- warm- ne/ 'eandforrnalitie in relìgìon,howfoeverit may befall of worldly applaufe andhappines, heart away thebellupon earth ; yet it is as burdenfbneandhatefüll unto God, as lake warmewater, or the moll leathfomepotion to the ni- j ceflflomacke : anddothwith a morenatural' importunitie, thenother f nisers,knocke at thegates ofdivine juîlice,far the removal' ofour Candleflicke, and theglory ofhis Gof. pelfrom amongst ass. All kinds offinnes according to their nature, meafure, and ripeneffe, haveproportionally apart and handin drawing down ail manner ofplagues upon the ' formes ofmen : bat thisbatha peculiar andpredominant power in haflening that particular 6- greate(l ofalljudge- ments, the famineof the Word. For Godcannot endure withoutf jaeciall indignation , that bps Word, which is his power untofalvation, fhould receivefrith limitation and prefiriptionfrommens wifedeme, that it ¡holdworke no further uponthem, nor beget more change andhofinef?e , thenmay confafl with the enjoyment of their worlaly con. tenrments,reputation,& tbe'pleafures oftheir beltvedfin. He cannot abide, that (men difcontented è t t with theflraitries ofthegate ofgrace,and impatient o f a (.trií`l` coserfeofgod. linefe)VIrauid labour tofindorst, andfollow another way to heaven,then that which is faithfledby his word,&which bathandmull be trodden by alltheft that will everfee the Lord. Knowledge andprofefion of Gods truth , without fantlrficarion andzeale, are but wanes in the meant time toput out theglory ofIfrael, &will hereafter but encreafe thenumberofflripes , and adde straight unto endleffe tor ment. In thename ofGod therefore let all lake warme and formali Chriflians becontented to take noticeoftheirflate B 2 and