Boston - BT155 B677 1755

Righteoufnefi of Life.· ' 93 their reach. Man, by the faH, having 1oft much of his knowledge of the law~ had lo£1: fight of many of .., t he duties required therein: howbeit, ignorance of the law excufeth no man. His heart was averfe to, . and enmity again£1: the law, Rom. viii. 7· And he was ·_ : w ithQut flrength to perform the duties therein requir– ed of him, Chap. v. 6. So that by reafon of ignorance, averfion and impotency in that matter, the obedience of the whole law was not to be had from them. · Wherefore, it was provided, that Chrifi, as their repre– fentative, lhould give obedience to the whole law for them ; that both tables, of the law, ·and each corn· mand of c~ch table, lhould have the due obedience from him : that the law being laid ' before him, in its - fpirituality and full extent, he fuould fully anfwer i,t, in internal and e~ternal ob~ience;in his his mind, will and affections, in thought, word and deed : , that he fuould conform himfelf to the whole natural law, and to all Divine infiitutions ceremonial or political, fo as to be circumcifed, keep the pa!fover, to be baptized, to be a fervant of or fpbjeet to rulers, pay tribute to wholn it was due, and the like. In one word, that he lhould ·perform the whole will of qoa, fignified in his law; fo that with the fafety of the law's honour, .bis people might have life. What the firfi Adam fail- . ' ed in, the fecond .ddamwas to do. And this I take · to be reprefented unto us, in the cafe oft4e firft and fecond kings ofl(rael, to wit Saul and David, ACt:s xiii. 2.2. ' I have found the fon of 'Jejfe, a man after mine own heart, which !hall fulfil all my .will. Gr. All my wills.' In which there is a plain view. .. to Saul, who was partial in his obedience· to the will of God,(I Sam. xv.) and upon that fcore loft the king– dom for him and his. 2. ' That every part of that obedience fbould be carried to the highefi pitch and degree.' This the law required of them, as a condition of life ; ·as our Lord himfelf_fuewed unto th~. lawyer, Lukex. 27. 'Thou . fuili