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96 .· , S(ltisfaElion for Sin. .. thoufands of rivers of oil, were at the Mediator's com~ mand ;· all the fil ver and gold, ·~md the precious things of the earth and feas, were at his difpofal: but none of t he fe things could be of ufe in this bargaip ; they were all of no value, in a treaty for the rede.mption of the foul. Mi cah vi. 6, 7, .8. 1 Peter i. 18. His own ·. -fuffering could only avail4~re. That the Son of God fhould fufle r, was indeed an amazing propofal : but it was nece.(fary in order to fatisfy for our fin. Secondly, ' That -he iliould fufler the fame punifu· ment they Jhould have fuffered in virtue of the penal- . · ty of the broken covenant of works ;' aqd that was death in its full latitude and. extent. This appears from rhe penalty of that covenant, fcom which the debt of fatisfaClion ·Was fiated, ' In the day thou ea.t– efi thereof thou !halt furely die,' Gen. ii. 17. compa• red with Chrifi's dying for, that is, in the room and flead of finners, fo often mentioned in the Scriptores.. ~ Rom . v. 6, 8. 2 Cor. v. 14, 15 . 1 Theff. v. 10. And it is confirmed fr·om what the Scripture teacheth, that the All for whom Chrifl: died, died in him, 2 Cor. v . 14. ' If one died for all, then were all dead, or, then the A11 died,' to 'wit, in him; evern as they fin-:– :ped and became liable to death, in .;.!dam.. So faith the Apofile, I ari1 crucified with Chrifi, Gal. ii: 20,. · For clearing of this purpofe, two things are to be clifiinguiih.ed in that death, which was the penalty of the covenant of works. 1. What was effentia1 to it,– wrapt up in the very nature -of the thing itfelf, called death in the fiile of that covenant. And that may be compriz'd in thefe two; ( r.) Thecurft , ( 2.) lnfinit~ execution ; the former making the death 1egal, the lat.. ter making it real and fatisfa:Ctory. 2. vVhat was acci·, , dental,~'o it, arifing, not from the nature of the thing in itfelf, but frqm the nature of the party dyi~g that death.And this is of two forts. ( 1.) There is fome thing arifing fi·om the nnture of the party dying as he is a mere ~reature ; fuch as the eternity of the puniiliment, and defpair oflife, (2.) Something arifing .. . ~m