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J0·4r , ]f!ferences from the . . dition of the Covenant of Gr ce : - And from thence the following inferences are nlirly deducible. Inf. 1. The redemption ofthe foul is precious. Is it not ? Look to the price of the purchafe, the ranfom of fouls~ as fl:ated in the covenant ; the holy birth, righteous life, and fatisfactory death of' the ·Son of ' God ; and ye mufl: conclude it to be a cofl:ly redemp.. tion. Turn hither, your eyes, (I.) Ye who valLae not ·your own fouls. See here the worth of thefe fouls ye fell for a thing of nought, for fadsfying a corrupt pailion, a pang oflufi of one fort or another. Cofily was the gathering of what ye thus throw aw::\y. Ye let them ·go at a very low price : but Chrifr could not have one of them at the hand of jqfl:ice, but at the price of his precious blood , Ye cannot forego the vanities of a pre(ent world fm· them; nor fpend a fe .. rious day or hour about them : but he, after a life– time of forrows, underwent a mo. ft. bitter death for them. ~Vhat ? Was he incop[lderate and too liberal, in 'his making fuch a bargain for the re– demption of fouls ? He was infinitely jufi, who pro'! pofed the condition : and he' was infinitely wife, whQ went in to it. He was a Father, that exacted this ranfom for fouls : and he wa_s his own Son, }hat paic\. · it. Be afhamed and blufh, to make fo low an efri.. mate ofthefe fouls, which Heaven fet fi1ch a high price on. (2.) Ye who have cheap thoughts of the pardon of fin' and qf ntlvation' correct ' your mifiake here. You fearleily run on in fin, thinking all may foon be fet to rights· again, with a God forgive me, have mer• l) on my foul; fo as you may leap out of Delilah's bp, into Abraharn's bolom. 0 fearful infatuation! Is the mean and 'low .birth, the forrowfullife, and the bitter death of Jefus the Son of God, not Illfficient to give men a ,}.Jfi and honourable notion of the pat don ,ojj/.1t! Look into the condition of the covenant for pardon, writtc.n in the blood of the Lamb of God; and learn the value, a juft God puts upon his pardons and