Boston - BT155 B677 1755

. Conditionary Part, &c. JoS and · falvation. See, finner, that ' 'tis not words, , · ' but deeds: not promifes an~ refolves to do better, but perfecrion of holinefs and obedience; not drawing of , fighs and !hedding of tears, bqt ihedding of blood ; and not thy blood neither, but blood ofinfinite v~lue, that could procure the pardon of fin and falvation. Arid if thou have not upon thee, by faith, all tha~ righteoufnefs Chrift fulfilled, to· be prefented unto God for a;pardon, thou fhalt never obtain ~t. ~articularly, ye are apt to think light of the fin ye were born in, and the corruption cleav'ing to your nature: but know, that God does not think light of th~fe., It " behoved to be an article of the covenant, that Chrifi: fhould be born holy, and retain the holinefs of,human nature in him to the end: elfe the unholy birth, and ~orrupt nature we derived . from Adam, would have fia~ed us all down eternally under the curfe. (J.) Ye that have mean though~s of the holy law, recrify your dangerous miJbke by the help of this glafs. Ye make no bones of tranfgreffing its commands : ye negleCt and defpife its curfe: as it is a law, ye fhew not fo much tegard to it; as to the laws of men ; and as it is a covenant, y~ look upon it as out of date, being in no concern how it m~y be fa.tisfied for you. And fhaH the honour of the holy law ly in the duft, in your cafe ? Rather than it !hould fo ly, in the cafe of Sodom and Comorrah, God would have them laid in ~fues, · with fire and briml1one. Yea, for vindicating the honour of the Jaw, this whole world !hall be burnt . to allies, and all the unholy cafi out from the .prefence of the Lord for ever... And in the cafe of the in that are faved, ,God would have the curfe of the law exe-– cuted upon his own Son as their Surety, and the corn- · mands of it perfecrly obeyed in all points, by him in their name. Sure, .jf you are poffefi of any !hare herein, it will be great and hono1:1rable in your fight, ~s it is in th,e fight of God. lnf. 2.