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Coventint ofCracr. t] cy, ·in. the falyation of fome of mankind 1oft A.ccqr– d!ngly,w~ are faid to be fav~d in ti~e, 'a~cording tq \ .z h1s own purpofe and grace, gtven us m Chnfij efus,be;. fore the world began,' 2 1~im . i. y. without filch a pur.- ~ · pofe ofgrace in God, there could never be a covenant .ef grace. But, the fovereign Lord ofthe crea·mres.., o– ver-looking the fallen angels, as to any purpofe o( mercy, entertained thoughts oflove and peace t.owards fallen mankind.; purpofing, in himfelf, to make.fome of them everlafiing monumen is of his free grace and mercy, partakers of life and lalvation; and fo fet on foot the covenaiit of grace~ Laflly, Yet w·e are to cot1fider him alfo, in this mat· ter, as. a.jufl God, who cannot but do.right, give fin a jufl recompen(e, and magnify his. holy law, ' and make ·it ~ honourable/ Gen. xviii~ 25. Heb. ii. 2. Ifa. xlli. 21. Upon the motion for extending mercy ·to fin.ners · of mankind, the ju.llice of God interpofeth, pleading tha.t mercy cannor be !hewn them, but upon terms a– greeable to law and jufiice. And, indeed, it was nei· ther agreeable to the natpre of God, nor to his truth in his word, to erect a throne of grace on the ruins of his exact Jufiice, ,nor to fhew·mercy in prejudice ofit. Now the jufiice of God required, that 'the law which _ was violated, lhould be fully fatis fied~ and the honour– thereof repaired ~y fuffering ' and obedience ; the for.. · ~ mer,fuch, as might fatis~y the penal fanCtion ofthe law; , ' ~nd the latter, the · c~mmanding part ofit: the which being quite beyond the reach ,of the finners themfelves, they behoved to die wi(hout mercy, unlefs another, w-ho could be accepted as a fufficient furety, ihou1d undertake for them, as a fecond Adam, comlng in their room and fiead, as they lay ruined by the breach o( the covenant of works. Thus fiood the impediments in the way of mercy tofallen man, quite infuperable to him, or any of hi~ fellow-creatures: and the covenant of grace was made, for removing thefe impediments .out of t{le way ; anci · , , . • · ' ·. t~at ... ,.,, , ' .. ~· . ·,