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14 The Par ties ·in the that it might be the channel, wherein the whole rich flood·of faving mercy might flow freely, for the quick– ning, purging, frucrifying, and perfecting of lofi fine ners of mankind, who were under the bands of death and the curfe, through the ofthe firfi covenant by the firil Adam. . · · From what is faid on this point, we may draw this inference, to wit, that.' the redemption of the foul is · precious.' The falvation ofloil finners was a greater work, than the making of the world : . the powerful word comm'lnded, and this lafi was done ; but · the former was not to be compafle·d, but with mot:e ado. · II. 'Of the Party-contraCler on Man''S fide. · . .. .WE have feen, that upon the one fide, in the cove• ~ nar~t of peace, is God himfelf. ,, Now, upon the other fide is Jefus Chrifr th_e Son of God, with his fpiritual feed, Heb. ii. I 3• 'Behold, I and th'e children which God bath given me :' the former, as the party– contracrer and undertaker ; the latter, as the party– contracted and undertaken for: a good reafon for his name lmmdnuel, which, ' being interpreted, is God with· us,' Mat. i. 23 . . The party-contracter then, with God 7 in the cove~ nant of grace, is our Lord Jefus Chrifi. He alone ma.. naged the interefis of men, in. this eternal ~argain ; for, at the making of it none of them were in being ; , nor, ifthey had been, would they -have been capable . of affording any help. ' . . Now, Jefus Chriil: the party-contracter on man's fide, in the covenant of grace, is, · according to our te~ts, to' be confidered in that matter, as the Jail: or fefond -.Adam, head and reprefentative ofa feed, lofi: finners ofmankind, the party· con tracred for .And .t?us he fified hiinfelf Mediator, between an offended JUfi: God, and offending men guilty before ,him: in which point laf-one main difference betwixt the firil: Ad,am and the ~hifr Adam. For, ' there is one Mediator, between