Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS Page 3 He caufetb them to be laid down fo as that they may be difierned. ibid orders the time. 288 fantlifies them. ibid How is Chrifis love drawn out to his people under temptation In teaching them in andby their temptations 289 2 He upholds them with newfispplies 290 3 He gives them a breathing time under temptations 291 4 He praies for them, then effiecaally ibid 2 His care is moll exprefiqd when they are mofi tempted What there is in Chrifi that inclines him to this 293 The quintelcenceofall love he bath to them 294 t The great interefi he bath in them ibid Application Abundance of comfort to all Chrifis Difiiples 295 Ifear I am none ofChrifts Dif- ObjeEt. eip/e ? Anrw. All chrifis Difciples deny tbernJelves 296 4 He 5 He 3 Pa g 2 They take up their Croft 3 They follow ibid 2 Cbriftdothnet only pray for hisprefent Difczples, but for all fnch as beleeve through their word Cbje&. My heart fails me in time of temptation AnCw. a There is diference between failing of onesfaith and failingofonesheart 298 2 Betweenfailing infaith in our own opinion and in Chrillsopinion ibid 3Between failings of fait h, andfailings that acompa. nyfaith ibid 4 Confider whether your faith failed like. Peters 299, Other objeCtions anfwered 300 44+4,44444,N44,4440 Theffalonians, 5. IS. 297 DoCt. It is the will of God that we fhould be tbankfstl to ht,t.,for every thing 3c6 Reaf. a. There is excellcnciei enough' in God