Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS Page 2 No condition is fo fad but there is fame good mingled with it ibid 3 Chriflians muff be like Je- fus Chrifi 307 Obje Suppofe a mans .ffiritztal condi-I tion be overclouded ? Anfw. I Though God do not fbine upon a Chriflian yet it may be light to him 3 2 Though Chrili withdraw his comfortingprefence yet /mkt') not his fupporting prefence ibid 3 Though Chrifi withdraw yt be draws by his Spirit 312 4 What a man would not loofe for all the world, is worthyofpraife ibid Objeet. Suppofe Goddo not only with- draw but Satan draws neer Page 4 Chrift fitccoursyou inyour temptations ' ibid What particular things we fhould be thankful for We are redeemed of the Lord. 317 2 That we have fo many dayes ofT ankrgiving ibid Encouragments to thankefulnef? I Ifyou can be thankeull whenyou are low, you en- gage God to raife you up 320 2 Hereby your afflibtions will bee made bleffings. ibid 3 The more thankefuli you are, the more your fouler will be filled with peace. 321 4 TherebyyeJball Jbame the Devil How this mull be done t Obferveyour owne tempers and put your Delves u on Anfw. that duty your own ilPo 13e tbanliful,Becaufe fition lies next to 314 it Chrifi bath overcome him 2 Maintain your affesrance 3t2 _Nibandgreen ibid 2 He can do no more than 3 Letyour eye be as well upon Godgives him leave. to-dc 1 what you' have as upon 3 '3 what you wane 315 3. Nothing befall you but 4 BePure maintain afince of what befalls thebell ofthe your own unworthinef? Saints ibid ibld- FINIS. a.