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I Per. 2. 2) 3. I John 1. 221 135 14. Ica. 4o. TheEpiftle Dedicatory. to a right underitanding of their fpiritual condition, and Ithat they may fee and know what they are worth for ano- ither world, and fo go to their graves in joy and peace, 1 have fent this Treatile abroad into the world. Will you Lgive me leave to fay, Firg, Some men of name in their day have laid down tfuch things-Ay evidences or charaeters of grace, which being weighed in the ballance of the Sanctuary will be found too light. But here a mantle of love may be 01 more ufe than a lamp ; and therefore, Secondly, itiany,yea very .many there are, whole graces are very weak, and much burred under the earth and ajhes1 of many fears, doubts, fcruples, /Iraq pafsions, prevail- ing corruptions,and diabolical fsggeflions,who would give as many worlds &there be men in the world ( bad they fo many in their hands to give) to know that they have grace, and that their fpiritaat eflate is good, and that they Mall be happy for ever. Now) this Treadle u fitted up for the fervice of thefe pOor hearts ; for the weakeil Chri- flians may turn to many clear and well-bottomed eviden- ces in this Treatife, and throw the Gantlet to Satan, and bid him prove if he can that ever any prophane per - fort or cunning hypocrite under heaven bad 'rich eviden., co., or filch fair certificates to thew for heaven, which he has to The generality of chrifiians are weak, they are rather Dwarfs than Gyants, they are rather knifed Reeds than tall Cedars, they are Tither Babes than men, Lambs than ibeep, ere Nom, for the fervice of their fouls,1 have been willing to fend this Treadle in-: to the world; for this Treatife may fpeak to them when i may notoea when 1 cannot, yea which is more, when 1 am