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The Epiftie Dedicatory. am not. Famous Mr. Dod would frequently fay, He cared not where he was if he could but anfwer thefe two Qileftions. 1. Who am I ? And, 2. What do I hear; am I a child of God, and am I in my war.' But, Thirdly, Some there are who are fo excefsively and immoderately taken up with their Signs,Marks and Evi- dences of grace, and of their gracious /ate, &c. that Chrifl is too much neglcaed, and more rarely minded by them, their hearts don't run out fo freely, fo fully, fo firongly, fo frequently, fo delightfully towards Chrift sss they (hoed 'do, nor 44 they would do, if they were not too inordinately taken up with their Marks and Signs. Now for the reaifying of thefe miff tikes, and the cure of theft. Cpiritual maladies, this Treatife is fent into the world ; we may and ought to make a fober ufe of charaolers and evidences of our gracious (fixes, to fupport, cores, fort,and encourage us in our way to heaven, but flill fubordi- nation to Chriji, and to the frefh and frequent exercifes of faith upon the perfon, blood, and righteoufnefs of yefus. But 0 ! how few Chrifilans are there that are skird in this Work of Works, this Art of Arts, this Myftery of Myfteries. But, Fourthly, Some there are who in thefe dayes are given up to Enthufiaflical Fancies, iirange Raptures, Reve- Where Chrift was born, they, were all fo ta- ken up with their guefls, that he was not minded nor re- garded ; when others lay in rarely room's, he tilt& be laid in a manger. Luke i. 7. lotions, and to the fad delufions of their own hearts, 4. crying down with all their might all difcoveries of Belie- a r r vers fpiritual eftates by Scripture Characters, Marks I Is and Signs of Sanctification, as carnal, and low, and all this under fair pretences of exalting C hrift , and maintaining the honour of his Righteoufnefs and Free- grace, and of denying our laves, and our own righteouf- nefs