Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

-4 choice Bed of Spices. denominate a mans walking in Covenant with God, or his not walking in Covenant with God 3. if his courfe of adions be finful, he,walks not in Covenant with God; but if his courfe of actions be holy and gracious, he walks in Cove- nant with God. Though the needle of the Seamans Corn- pafs may jog this way, and that way, yet the bent of the nee- dle wild fill be Northward ; fo though a Chrifian in Cove- nant with God may have his particular finful joggings, this way or that way, yet the bent of. his heart will fill_ be to walk in.Covenant with Gad. Bat, Thirdly, Confider that infirmities, aberrations of weak- nefs, do not nullify or evacuate our Covenant with God, nor hinder-our walking in Covenant with God;for if they flioule, then no man could poff6ly keep Covenant with God, or walk in Coyenant with God ; Infirmities God paffes by and pardons in courfe, and will never put them into the.account, and therefore they cannot hinder our walking in Covenant with God. Bleaches made in the firft Covenant were irre- parable, but breaches made in the Covenant of Grace are not fo, becaufe this Covenant is eftablithed in Chrift, 4\tho is Lain a making up all breaches. Mark, there are five things which thew that the deviations of Gods people are only in- firmities, and not enormities, weakneffes, and not wicked- neffes ; and the firft is this, viz. That they do frequently and principally arife from the fubtilty and fudden power of Satans temptations. 2. That the frame of their fpirits is againft the evil that they do... 3. Their :daily .cries,tears,and complaints, fpeaks it out to be an infirmity, they are in this particular like a loft fheep, or a loft child, or a loft friend. 4. Though they do fall, yet they rife again,- though they do step or wander out of the way, yet they. do return into, the right way again.. 5. When they do fall, there is a vaft diffe- rence., a mightysdifference between their,falls,,. and the falls of wicked men that are not in Covenant with :God, and that fill+, in refped.,of willingnefs. z. In refpe& of choice. 3. In refped.of affe6tion. 4. In refpeot of courfe. . 5. In refpe& of quietnefs. 6. In refpeolof continuance. Mark, When wicked men. fall, when men out of Covenant with, Chron. Rom, 7. i 5', 16 ,1,) 23; 24.