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5f.12, box of precious Ointment: Or, God fall, then they fall willingly, they fall out of choice, they fall out of affection to fall, they fall in a courfe, they fall, and they are quiet under their falls ; they fall, and con- 1 tinue to fall, to morrow [hail be as to day. /But perfons in Covenant with God, though they do fall, yet they do not fall, nor cannot fall as they do that are out of Covenan t with God. For fira, There is in all filch perfons an habitSal pur-: pole to keep Covenant with. God. -2. An habitual defire to keep Covenant with God. 3. An habitual refolution to keep Covenant with God. 4 An habitual endeavour to keep Covenant with God. Now where tis !thus, there that man is certainly in Covenant with God, and that map walks in Covenant with God, he is under a Covenant of Grace, his- fins are pardoned, and therefore they fhall never be his ru- ine. Doubtlefs many precious Chriaians have charged and condemned themfelves for thofe things that the great God will never charge them with, nor condemn them for. Blef- fed Bradford wrote himfelf an,Hypocrite, a painted Sepul- cher, but doubtlefs God will never bring in fuch a charge a- gaina him. =0 Sirs, the airrings of fin, and the workings of fin, and the prevalency of fin, for particular acts will Rand with the Covenant of Grace, though not with the Covenant of Works. You may not by any means conclude that you are not in a Covenant of Grace, becaufe fuch and fuch cor- ruptions airs in you, or becaufe fuch or fuch weakneffes now and then breaks forth and difcovers themfelves, either in your lips or lives Did Chriaians but Judy the Cove- nant of grace more, and underfland better than they do the difference between the Covenant of grace and the Cove nant of works, how would their fears and doubts about their fpiritual and eternal estates vanifh, as the clouds before the Sun when it alines in its greatefi arength and glory, &c. 'Twas the Laying of an eminent Minifter on his death-bed, That he had much peace and quietnefs, not fo much from a greater meafure of grace than other Chriftians had, or from any immediate witnefs of the fpirit, but becaufe he had a more clear underftanding kif the Covenant of grace than many others,lhaving fludyed it, and Preached it fo many year Iia.63. 17.