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A choice Bed of vant in the .Law) he would not value fuch a liberty ;:he would not fwear, nor lye, nor be drunk, nor whore, nor diffemble, nor cheat, nor run into all excefs, of riot if he might, be- caufe in his foul he has a principle of grace, and an inward contrariety and antipathy apinft it ; he would n't ceafe to Eccl, p, x, hear, to read, to pray, to meditate if he might, becaufe his foul takes a delight & fseet complacency in-thefe things;there is a principle within him agreeable to the precept without , him l which makes all religious performances to be eafie-and pleafurable to him. Look, as the eye delights in feeing, and the ear'in hearing, fo a gracious heart (except when 'tis un- der a cloud of differtion, or in the School of temptation,or under fome grievous tormenting afilielions, or fadly worfteci byfome prevalent corruption) delights in obeying Aolions of nature, you know, are a &ions of delight ; and fo are all thofe anions that fpring from a new nature, a divine na- ture, &c. Fifthly, That obedience that fprings from faith, is a trans- forming obedience; it mightily alters and changes a man, from impurity to purity, from fin to fan4ity, from unrigh- 1RoC°mr..IV18;z. teoufnefs to righteoufnefs, from earthly- mindednefs, to hea- venly-mindednefs, from pride to humility, from hypocrifie to fincerity, &c. Such as pleafe themfelves with this, That they are no-changlings,and that they are whatever they were, ' thefe are (fill in the gall of bitternefs, and bond of iniquity, Aas S. sg; That obedience of the Romans, which was Paid to have come le .Nom. x6; 194 abroad unto all men, was an exemplary obedience, and a transforming obedience. Certainly, Gofpel- obedience is a grace of much worth, and of great force upon, the whole man ; for when it is once wrought in the heart, it worketh a conformity to all God's holy will. But having fpoken more largely of this in. my other writings, let this touch herefaf- fice, &c. Sixthly, That obedience that fprings from faith, is ,a: con- Rant obectiencei 'tis a fixed and refolved obedience, not in refpe6 of pfidife and continued ads ( for in many things are offend