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; Z. LCCI.70 ZO. Prov. z0 g. I 8. 46, Ijoh.t,8. f41. 17 S, A Box of precious Ointment Or, end ail. There is not a jut-1111W upon the earth, that clJth tiocd and finneth not : Who can fay- I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my fin ? There is no man that finneth not ; If 2; eAY ge have no fin, we deceive our felvec, and the truth 11 not in us) & c. But in refpea of a Chriffians fincere fires, bent of will, purpofe of heart, refolution of foul, and faithful endeavours, PI al.119. to. My foul breaketh for the /owing that it loath unto thy judgments at all times. Ver, 112. 1 have enclined my heart to keep thy Statutes allay, even to the end. Ver. 33. Teach me, 0 Lord the gay of thy Statutes, and I (hall keep it unto the end. Job 17..9. The righteotee 'hall bold on h& way, and he that hath clean hand!, fhall be gronger and fironger, So 'fa. 40. 29,30, 31. .7eb 2. 3. Mark, the renewed man hath at all times a defire to fear the name of the Lord, Neb. I. 1 1.A will to live honeilly at all times. Heb. 13. 18. And it hath force endeavours and exercife of Spirit,to keep always a confcience void of offence towards God and men, AEls 24. 16. The /file/iter in their marches toward the holy Land, were many times interrupted by divers onemies;but yet they advanced in their courfe,as foon as they could get rid of their enemies : So though the believer be many times interrupted in the courfe of his obedience, by many fierce temptations, and orange working of corruptions; yet after the temptation is over, the believer returns to the courfe of obedience with greater forwardnefs, and with redoubled flrength and cou- rage, and in the end perfe &s his courfe of holinefs in the fear of the Lord. Mark, the appearing motion, and walking of an unregenerate man in a way of righteoufnefs and holinefs, is but artificial from the engine of hypocrifie, and felf-inte- refr, like the flying of Aechitm his artificial Dove ; and therefore having no inward principle of life,it endureth not; but the motion and walking of a man, renewed by grace in wayes of holinefs and righteoufnefs, is like the natural living, motion of birds,it continues as long as life continues;and as very thing in motion, the nearer it comes to the center, the more fwiftly it moves:So the nearer thebeliever,throughtime to his reflin heaven,the more propenfe he is'in all his motions towards God; he forgets the things that are behind,and reach- fprinas