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choice Bed of Spices. Sixthh-, a godly man may argue thus. He that hash the teflimony of a good confcience, he may rejoyce in that te- ftimony, 2 Cor. . 11. TR. 3 8. 3. But I have the teftimony of ,a good confcimce, therefore I may rejoyce in that telli- mony. Seventhly, a godly man may argue thus. He over whom prefumptious fins has not dominion, is upright (P/4. I 9.13 .. keep back thy fervant from prefumptious fins, let them not have dominion over me ; then fhall I be upright.) But pre- fumptions fins his not dominion over me, therefore I am up- right. 14ark, unfeigned willingoefs to part with every fin, and to mortifie every, fin, is a fore of uprightnefs, a furefign of faving grace; when a man is fincerely willing Ito leave every fin, and to indulge himfelf in none, no not his ( darling fin, it is a molt certain figs of his integrity and fin- cerity, as you may evidently fee, by comparing, of thefe Scriptures together, Pfai. 17. 15 3, 4. Tfid. 119. 1, 25 3,6. lob i . 8. and Chap. 2. 3. pr,i. 18. 23. I was upright be- fore him. Oh, but how do you know that ? how do you prove that ? how"are you affured of that ? Why by this, that [ have kept my felf from mine iniquity. Doubtlefs, there is as much of 'the power of God required,and as much ftrength of. grace required, and as much of the prefence and Alt- ance of the Spirit required to work a man off. from his bofom fins, from his darling fins, from his beloved fins , as there is required to work him off from all other fins.; a conqueft -here, clearly fpeaks out uprightnefs of heart. Eighthly a godly man may.argue thus.He whofe heart doth not condemn him (x . Of giving himfelf over to a volunta- ry ferving of fin. Or, z. Of making a trade of fin. Or, 3. Of allowing of himfelf in any courfe or way of Fin. Or, 4.0f finning,-as wicked men fin,who fin fludioufly, refolute- ly, affectionately, delightfully, cUitomarily , wilfully, or with their whole will, or with the flail content and fway of their fouls. Or, s.,of indulging, conniving or winking at any known fin. Or, 6. ' Of living in the daily neglea of any known