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Mar, Tart411i40, Al3ox of precious Ointment : Or, known poiitive duty againit light and conscience, or of an .ordinary fhifting of of any known fervice hat God requires of him in that place or nation wherein God has fet him) may have confidence(la0161av is boldnefs,liherty of fpeech) towards God, s "fohy 2t . But my heart does not con- demn me, I. Of giving my feif over to a voluntary ferving of fin. Nor, 2. Of nuking a trade of fin. Nor, 3. Of allowing my felf, in any courfe or way of fin. Nor, 4.0f Inning as tvick,!.d men fin) viz.. fludioufly, refolutely, affe- taionately, delightfully, cuilomarily, wilfully. Nor, 5. Of indulging, conniving,or winking at any known fin.Nor,6.0f, living in the daily neglea*Of any known duty againa light and conscience; therefore I may have confidence or bold- nefs towards God, I mayufe liberty of fpeech with God, I may ufe the liberty and freedom of a favourite of heaven, I may open my heart to Goti,as favourites do to their Prince, 1 viz,, freely, familiarly, boldly. When Apiflio was convert- ed, and his heart sincere with God, he could bids God that he could think of his former evil waye,s (which 'were very tad) without fear : 0;to what a height of holy boldnefs and fa- miliarity with God , had this man of God arrived to I. But, Ninethly,' a godly min may argue thus. To fuch who are poor in fpirit, the Kingdom of haven belongs, M: t. 5. 3, By poor in fpirit, is not meant poor in fubflance, that not being a thing praife worthy in it felf, but the broken and humble in heart; who bath no high thoughts or conceits of hinifelf, but is lowly in his own eyes, as a youn,; B!ef. fed are the poor in fpirit ; that is (non Mentes ire me a fpiriturn) who hath no lofty or puffed up fpirit. The poDr i i fpirit,are thofe that are lowly, being truly confcious of their own un- worthinefs. Nulti panperes fPiriti n humiles ; none are pbor in fpirit, but the humble. Blej7 d are the poor in fpirit ; that is, bleffed are they whole fpiritsarebrought into fuch an humble graciooS frame, as willingly, quietly and contentedly to lye down in a poor low condition, when it is the pleafure of the Lord to bring"them into fuch a condition. Blefflfd ,zre-the poor in fpirit i that is, bleffed are they Who-are truly and kindly appr.e-