Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

GOUGE. 167 lout, marvellous as it may appear, for this singular act of generosity and humanity, he was convened before the high commissionas a notorious delinquent.. In the year 1643, Dr. Gouge was nominated One of the- assembly of divines. He assiduously attended during the whole session and was held in so high reputation, that he often filled the moderator's chair in his absence. September 25th, in the -same year, when the house of commons, the Scots commissioners, and the assembly of divines met in St. Margaret's church, Westminster, to subscribe the cove- nant, Dr. Gouge concluded the solemnity with prayer. He Was one of the select committee for the examination of minis- ters who petitioned for sequestered livings. In 1644, he was upon the committee appointed for the examination and or- dination of ministers. In 1647, at the first session of the provincial assembly, he was chosen prolocutor, and opened the session with a sermon at Blackfriars. In the same year he was upon the committee appointed to draw up the con- fession of faith. And in the year 1643, he was on the com- mittee appointed to draw up the assembly's annotations. His portion was from the first book of Kings to the book of Esther, inclusive.t In the same year he united with his bre- thren, in London and its vicinity, in declaring against the king's death4- Dr. Gouge was a strict observer of the sabbath ; and when the Book of Sports came out, he absolutely refused to read it. He was determined to suffer, rather than sin, by encouraging profane sports on the Lord's day. He was exact in observing the public exercises of the house of God, in promoting religion in his family, and in the devotions of the closet; and, to the great honour of his character, he would never allow his servant to be absent from public worship on the Lord's day to cook provision, whatever com- pany he expected. He possessed an excellent talent for solving cases of conscience; and so great was the blessing of God upon his judicious counsels, that multitudes were re- stored to joy and peace in believing. Ministers, in difficult cases, often consulted him ; on which- account, he was deno- minated thefather of the London divines, and the very oracle of his time. Hewas said to be the very picture of Moses for a meek and quiet spirit. As he was not easily provoked, so he was never inclined to provoke others. When he received Huntley's Prelates' Usurpations,p. 164. + Neal's Hist. of Puritans, vol. iii. p. 52, 70, 140, 350, 355, 452. Calamy's Continuation, vol. ii, p. 143.