Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

168 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. _ any injury, he always prayed for his enemies, and said, "that revilers and evil doers always hurt themselves most." He was remarkably kind to persons in distress, especially the poor of Christ's flock. According to the ability which God gave him, he employed his substance to useful purposes. He afforded much support to the poor scholars at the university: It was his very meat and drink to do his heavenly Father's will. His humility, indeed, outshone all his other amiable endowments. He was never lifted up by multitudes flocking to hear hini, nor by the applause he received from them ; but used to say, " I know more to abase me, than others d,o to exalt me." He was, through the whole of his life, remarkably exact and conscientious in the improvement of his time. He rose early; both winter and summer. If at any time he heard other persons at their work before he was in his study, he would complain, saying, " I am much troubled that any persons should be at their calling before I am at mine." He was an excellent scholar, being familiarly conversant with the original languages, and every department of useful literature. When the persecuting prelates would allow of no other fasts be- sides those appointed by authority, Dr. Gouge and his pious friends kept.their private fasts regularly every month. On these occasions he greatly excelled. He was remarkably concerned for the welfare of the foreign protestant churches. Hearing that it was well with them, he rejoiced and praised God: but when he received evil tidings, " he sat down and wept, and mourned, and fasted, and prayed unto the God of heaven." In the decline of life he was much afflicted with an asthma and the stone. Under' these painful maladies he often groaned, but never murmured. Labouring under these afflic- tions, he frequently said, "'Soul, be silent; soul, be patient. It is thy God and Father who thus ordereth thy estate: thou art his clay . he may tread and trampleon thee as hepleaseth : thou hast de'served much more. It is enough that thou art kept out of hell. Though thy pain be grievous, it is toler- able. Thy God affords some intermissions. He will turn it to thy good, and then put an xnd to all. None of these 'things can be expected -hereafter.'.' Under his greatest pains he used the words of Job: "Shall we receive good at the hands of God, and shall we not receive evil ?" At such times, he committed his soul to Christ, saying, " I am per- suaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." When his friends endeavoured