Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

114 Some Arg. for tbe, Inrput.,of ch. Right. Vindicated. C.H. A P. r 0, Chri {l, and in His Sufferings , by the Imputation thereof to us, & our leaning to them by fáith,we can have no Remiflion, according to the Gofpel- way. Except. 3. The publihenefs of a perfon who negatiats the affaires of others ,doth no further nor any other wayes , intereffe thofe , tvhofe affaires he mannageth , in what he doth in , or about fuch a tranfaflion : butt only with reference to the ¡flue, r fuccefs of what he Both for them , to that behalf : fo that his dishonefi+, or un- confcientious way , in the mifc rying , or his wifdom if faithfulne[. in the right snanaging, are no wayes imputable to the perfónc , whife bufinefr is negotiated, Anf. Iris not necefíary , that that fpecial manner of managment' should be fo imputed unto the perlons , whole affaire is negotiated , it being fufficient, that the perlons reprefented be intereffed in the tranfaìion it fell, in refe- rence to an interefl in theiff'ue in the fame affaire managed : and the tranf- action it felt is fo imputed to the perlons reprefenred , in reference to the effeEls, as if it had been done by themfelves. So in our cafe , though the Vir/ifdom, Faithfulne,fs & patience of Chrifl, ufed in the managment of that publick affaire intrufted to Him , as a publick perfon , undertaking for,and reprefenting all His Children , be not imputed unto them : yet the bufinefs it felf, with which He was intrufted , vii. Giving fatisfaóliòn to the law in all points , by Suffering &Obedience , which the law required ails , is inn puted to us, & mull be fo., in order to our partaking of the benefires & ad- vantage thereof. Except, 4. It is not altogether fo folideor found as is fitppofed , that Chrii' flood in the place & Plead of thofe,that should beleeve in Him , efpecially in all things , performed by Hine , and which tended to the qualification of Hi, per - fen. To fiand in the place- and (lead of another, implieth 4 neceffity of his being in the fame place, fir doing the fame thingt himfelf, wherein he /lands , it which he doth, who is fitppofed toßand in hisßead , unlefs they had been done by this other for him. .Anf. This laß Exception is the fame with the .¡irfi, & needeth little more confinieration. We do not affert , that He did fo Rand in the place & flead of beleevers, as to all things He did & fuffered ; but only that He flood in in our room & ftead , in the whole of His aElive & patiive obedience, or in making fatisfation to the demands of the law, in His Bate of humiliation, this being it , for& in reference to which , He was appointed to be a publick perfon : all othe4things He did, as His Miracles, afhum ing a body, and the like, need not bed-aid to be imputed to us; though,. in that they concerned His perfon , & were requiere thereunto, & to the work He was imployed in, they carry a fpecial advantage in them for Beleevers; & were in a particular manner defigned for their good, & were fubfervient to that maine defigne, Arg. Io. If we cannotbejuflified by the Rightéoufnefs of Chrift other - wife than by the Imputation of it, then muff it needs be imputed to us , in our juflification. But the former is true. Ergo . &c. He excepteth p. 225. TheRighteoufnefs of Chrift concurreth toward juffifica- tion , by qualifying His perfon for that Sacrifice of himfelf, by a hich juflifica- tion hath been purchafed for all thofe that beleeve. Anf. The Argum, is to be un- derftood. of His whole Surety- righteoufnefs, and not of. His attive obe dience