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154 Mr. Goodwin's Arg, againff Impur. anfivered. C H A r. 12, sign, without the Imputation of a legal R. :ghteoujnefs we muff give a check to Paul's pen. Anf: T his is but vanity : we need give no check unto the Apo- pen : for though He fail not in this verfe exprefly , that there was a gift of Righ!eoufnefs alit) imputed ; yet he laid it exprefly vers 17. & 18. & 21. And shall we think , that in fuch a continued difcourfe , as this is , wherein the Apoftle is explaining the whole myitery by its parts , he should mention all things , in one verle ? He proceeds to prove , that Remiffion of fins is the whole of juflification pag 13i. Becau fe the end ( faith he ) for which this Imputed RZ,ighteovfnef of .1 Chrifi is thus brought in to the bufinefs ofjuflification , vii, to be the !tight to the Inheritance , is fupplied in way more evangelical, dT of more fweetnefr dT dear- nefs to the Children sf God , to wit , by the grace of Adoption. Anf. To this we have bid enough above , & will haveoccafion to fpeak againe to it, in the next objedtion. He addeth further 4 That if we thus feparat and divide the beneftteofChrifi's Aflìve and pafjive Obedience , in ufl: fication , we take a courfe to tole d9 de[troy both. Anf. Not to tranfcribe his tedious difcourfe , on this accouttI only fay , That it is wholly founded upon a mi flake as if our showing the necef- fity of the Imputation of both , were a feparating or dividing of the benefi- teofboth, whileas the whole Effect floweth from the wholecaufe, both Chrift's Active & His pafïive obedience making up one compleat Surety- righteoufnefs ; and fo producing one whole bleffednefs to beleevers, confi- ning in Remiffion of Sins , & in a Right to Glory : we fay with him , that neither of them feparated or abftraéted from the other can profite us ; and therefore we affert the Imputation of both , as one compleat Surety- righte- oufnefs, anfwereing our neceflityin all points. His own words pag. x32. 133. make clearly for us. I mould not have ( faith he) the atlive obedience of Chrifi feparated from the paffive, noragainethe pafRive from the a&ive, in re- fpetl of the common 6' joint eft , juftification , ar:fing from a concurrence of them both ; yet would I not have Chrifl his my fiery tumbled up together on a heap; for this would be to deface the 4eauty and excellency of that wisdom , which shiner forth, in the face thereof. I would have everything, that Chrifi war, did -and fit ffered,to be diflinguished ,not only in themfelver; but alp in their pro- perandimmediat Effetls, refpeílivelyarifeing and flowing from them feverally. Laflly. He tels us, If the Imputation of Chr:fl's RZighteoufìtefs muff be added, as another part of juflification, then mu fl the formal caufe of one d?' the fame Ef- fecd be double; yea one dT the fame formal part of the thing shall be compounded of two things , of a diverfe and oppofiite confideration. Anf. We make the Impn- tation of Chrift's Righteoufnefsnot a part of juflification ; But the caufe of it ; and yet the formal caufe of one and the fame Effect is net made double; for as the Caufe is one compleat Gaufe , vi;t. the Surety- righteoufnefs of Chrift, fo the Effe-Etis one compleatEffea, though both Caufe and Effeét may be confidered, as confining of feveral Integral parts. There is no g'ound here to fay , That one and the fame formal part of a thing is compounded of diverfe oroppofìte things. Obj. 4. Chap. 12. pag. 136. ire. That which di folveth and taketh away the neee ity