Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

194 Mr. Baxter's optnton about Input. examined. C x A P. 13. that is to obey perfectly, or never enjoy the crown , and to obey for that end , that we might enjoy the crown , as the legal reward of and due debt for our labour. And feing Mr. Bat ter granteth in the following words, that Christ's perfeétobedience had this end , that perfect obedience might not be necelláry in us to our jutlification; why may he not fay , that to cer- taine ufes , and in forne refpeâs , Chriftobeyed , to 'ave us from obeying Or why will he not fay , that He obeyed for us , that we, who could not obey of our felves , might be repute to have obeyed perfectly in Hirn ? This is all we delire. He faith next ( n. 27. ) It was not we our [elves , who didperfetily obey, or were perfetlly holy , or fuffered for fin , to the perfrn of Chri i, or by Him: nor did we ( naturally , or morally) merzte our own Salvation by obeying in Chrsfi : nor did we taw fie God's juflice for (WY firm , nor purcha fe pardon or Salvation to ourJelves , by our pilfering in and by Chrifi?. Anf. However , Chrift doing all this for us, as our Sponfor and Surety , we arefo taken -in in Law- fe,rfe, that the fame is imputed unto us , and we enjoy the fruits thereof, pardon and Salvation; no lets than if we had done and fuffered all in our own phyfi- cal perfons. As to what he faith ( n. 29, 3o. ) it is nothing to the purpofe ( and there- fore I shall not let down his words ) for we are not here (peaking of Relations and Accidents , phyfically , or metaphyfrcall rather confidered , which can - nor pats from one Subject CO another : nor do we (peak of Chrift , while (peaking of the Impuration of His Righteoufnefs , phy fically ontidered , but tittically & legally, as a Sponfor and Surety tome way reprefenting us. I affent to him , that the meaning of this Imputation is not , That we ourfelves, in per fon truely had the habites , which Ch. rill had , and did all that Chrifi did and fuffered all that he fuffered, as by an infirument , or legal R.eprefnter of our pert on, , to all this, meaning that we in our ohyfical perlons should have do- ne all this, by Him , as our phyfcal Inftrument. But why He addeth he- re, or legal Reprefenter, unlefs he tneane thereby that which elfewhere he bath expreffed to be , as our delegar, or Servant , I know not. And how - ever it feemeth not to me appolitely here annexed , if ingenuous and plaine dealing be defigned. But there is another fenfe , in which he will yeeld to Imputation; & he thinks there cannot be a third. Let us hear what this other fenfe is. That. Chrifi's Satisfatlìon (faith he) Righteoufnefs and the Habitcs , Ads d? Sufferings , in which it lay , are imputed to us-, dr made ours , not rigidly in the very thing it felf, but in the effelis and benefites. Ant; But if he shall }eeld to no other Imputation , than this, he shall grant no Imputation: for that Imputation , as to effects , is no Imputation at all : unlefs the meritorious eaufe be imputed , in order to the receiving of thefe Eff Cis , there is no- thing imputed; for the Effects are never laid to be imputed. There is there- fore a Third fenfe, wherein neither Chrift's Righteoufnefs, that is, His Habites, Acts & Sufferings are faid to be ph,. fically tranflated , and put in eis, or upon us; nor are they laid to be Imputed to us meetly in Their Effects; as Socinians fay but wherein Chrift's Surety- righteoufnefs,confifting in His cabe