Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The .f3arr,en Fig-tree. .' 1:9 of his G,Iory ; thy Iniquity is found l to. be ha~eful, and ~ow· .. per.ha_ps-~. 9od bath ' le ft ~ thee, . given th~e ~p, . and lets thee. afone., . •J. ' r . ·: •• ·:- . · H_eretofore . thou : waif 'te~der;~:~ thy Confcience ftartled at the Temptation · · to Wickednefs·, . . for · thou :wert taken .' off ,.fiom . the_. Pollzttion·s, of . the _ Wr;rl~, t~rough the }(nowledge of our•. L~r,d ;tfJffl Sa.·viour Jefus, Chrift .(r); · b4t that ver;y · ' t!.o..~it -which once ~hou. , Wer~ : tUfs!l~d froni, now thpu lappdl: up, with t~e :nog . in ·;-the Pro·v·e·b_ ~gain ; .and that 1 . very ,Mire, tha~ on-:e thqu fe~medft -~o · be walhed .fr.~rn , . in that very fv.lire · thou.. .-now .. art tumbling afre1h.. Bu_t ,.tq _particular.i'ze .: . : .T here are '.f~r'ee 5i~ns ~f a · M.~n's qeing 1gi.v~n oyi r ,qf God. ., ·: ·~ -f . , . . ,••• . ·' .• • i.t .•. •. ,,j 'j • • ,.:_.J .. ! "• . ~ . I . .r.. ·when l~e ~~ .}~t . aloJ!e in ?l,nning, when the Reins ·of ~is. Lufts are /oofea, . ~nd . ~e given u·p to. ~hem~ Antj ...even as they did not like to retaiN God · ·in lheir Knowledge, , ~God g.ave them over to , ,, ( , a re· ·(r) z Pet. ii. zo, 2 .1, . 22. ~ ·