Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

1 ~o , The Barren-Fig-.Cfree. a reprobate Mind, to do thofe Things whicb -are not convenient ; being filled with .all 'Unrighteoufneft. Seeft th9u ·.a Man that her<ttofore had the Know- I ledge pf God, and that had fame Awe ·of h\s Maj~fty ·upon hitn ;_I fay, Seeft 'th'ou fuch an one Sporting, bimjelf £n· his o'ivn Deceivings (S), turning the Grace of our God into Lafdvioufne(s, arid - walking afte,r his own ungodly Lufi~; -. his Judgment now of a long Time lingereth not, and his Damn~- . tion flumbereth not (t). Dpft ' thou hear, Barren , Profefior ! It is aftonifhing 'to fee, how thofe t.ha·t orice feemed . Sons of the Morning '(u.), arid were making rPre~parations for Ete'rnal Life ; now at laft, for the Rottennefs of- their· Hearts, by the ju_ft 'Judgn1en t of ·God, to· be permitted, being paft Feeling, to give themfelv.e~ .<?''er unto La:fcivi9ufnefs, lo ·Work. 'all·Uncleannifs with _, Greedinefs. A great 'Number. of fu~h .. were in the firft Gofpel-days; a.gainft ·whom Peter · · · .and (s) Rom. i. 28, zg, .30, ·3 t. (I) .2 Pet. ii 13. t•) Jude iv. 11.