Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

T'he Barren FJg-1'ree. 3 1 ~nd coftly Array. I will not here make liff.I~caion into their Lives, their Carri agcs at I-Iome .i1 their Corners, and fecr et H oles : . But certainly, Perfons t hus f~) ir it ed, th us princip led, and thus incli ned, have but e1tnpty Boughs, Boughs that want •he Fruit that GG>d ex peCts, and that God will co1ne down to feek. ' ' · Barren Fig ~ tree., thou art not licenfed by thy Proteffion, · nor by the -)Lord of ' . ·the Vineyard, t0 bear theft Clufters 'of. Gomorrah : ~either ihall rthe Vineyard, nor t~y being crot!de~t atnong tl).e 1rees_ th ~re (he Iter thee frorn the ,Sight of the E. ye of Gc)e:L Many Inake Religion thei r Cloak, and Chrift ~heir Stalking-· · borje, and by that 1\1eans cover thernfelves , aod hid e their own Wi ckednefs fro~:r'l Jv~ en : Bttt God (reth th;ir Heaxts [ z j , ~ as bis Pnnt' upon t he H-eels of t h:::i r Fe e t. and pond eret h aH their · G o in p·s : 'A nd a t ia11 , when t heir lni- ~" qu ity i£ found to be hat efu! , he will e it he r ii11ite t hem "vit h I-Iardnc fs of 1-Icart , ~md fo leave them, or awaken · B 4 them ['z. J Lu~~ 0,v i.: ' ·> Joh xii i. •z7. Pwv ~ v. Zl lbl(i xx i. z,