Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

vi To the R E A D E R. Wife Solomon did fools to pifmires fend~ To learn true wifdom, and their lives to menJ. Yea, God by fwaHows, cuckows, and the afs, Shews they are fools who let that feafon pafs, Which he put in their hand, that to obtain, Which is both prefent and eternal gain. I think the wifer fort my rhime may flight,. vVhile 1 perufe them, fools will take delight. -Then what care 1 ? the fooliih, God has chofe;: And doth by foolifh things, their minds com· And fettle upon that which is divine : L pofe, Great things, by little <imes, are made to fhine.. I could, were I fo pleas'd, l.!fe higher firains;. And for applaufe on tenters firetch my brains;. But what needs that? the arrow out of fight, Does not the fleeper, nor the watchman fright;. To {hoot too high doth make but ~hildren gaze, 'Tis that which hits the man ooth him amaze. As for the inconfiderablenefs Of things, by which I do my mind exprefs: , May l by them bring fome good thing to pafs, As Samfon, with the jaw-bone of ~m afs.; Or as brave Shangar with his ox's goad, ( Both things unmanly, .not for war in mode ) I have my end, tho' I myfeH expofe: For God will bave the zlory at t~e clofe. . J. B. DIVINE