Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

:!0 DIVINE .E _M.B LEMS Thy nature is to foar up to the fky, [ d'ie? Why wilt thou then come down to the nets and Heed not the fowle-r's tempt~ng flattering call; This whiH!e he enchanteth birds withal. vVhat tho' thou fee'l:l: a live bird in his net, She's there, becaufe from thence fue cannot get~ Loo,k how he tempteth theewitb his decoy, That he may rob thee of thy life, thy joy. Come. pr'ythee bird,. I pry'thee come away, Why fhould'fr thou to. this net bec;:Qme a prey?' llid' 'h thou not wings,' or were thy feathers; <Y' pull'd, . Or waft thou blind, or fafl afleep wer't Iull'd, The cafe :would fomewhat alter, but f-or theli:;. Thy eyes are ope', and thou haft wings to fle-:o. Remember that thy fong is in thy rife, Not in thy fall; earth's not thy paradife• .Keep up aloft then, let thy circuits be Above, where birds from fowler's nets are fa:ce. COMPARISON. This fowl 'eris an emblem of the devil~ His nets and whiftle, fingers of all evil. His glafs an emblem is of finful pleafure, Decoyi11g fucb, whQ reckon fin a treafure:. 'fhjs