Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

FOR YOUTH .. Sorne great, fome fmall, all of a divers kind, Mine eye aHI:£ting, pleafant to my mind. Look how they wing along the wholeiome air, Above the world of worldlings, and their care. And as they divers are in buik and hue, So are they in their way of flying too. ~o many birds, fa many various thing~ Swin.t in the element upon their wingi. COMPARISON. Thefe birds are emblems of thofe men, that fhall E're long po!fefs the heavens, their all in all. They each are of a diff'rent fhape and kind: To teach, we of all nations there fhall find. They are fome great, fome little as we fee, To fhew, fame greattfome fmall, in glory be. Their flying diverfly1 as we behold, · Do fhew fdints joys will there be manifold. Some glide, fome mount, fame fluttei:and fom~ In a mixt way of flying, glory too. [ do. To fhew that each lhall to his full co'fttent~ Be happy in that heav 'nly firmament.· "".: ..... )...~ .,: ... ._.~· .. ,