Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

1'0& YOUT X. Nor ~"n a man his foul with gr.Ace infpire, More than the candles fet themfelves on fire. Candles receive their ' light from what they are not: [ care not. Mev grace from him, for whom at firfi they We manage candles when they take the fire; Cod men, when he with grace .doth them in~ fpire. An_d !biggefl: candles give the 1~etter'11ght, As grace on biggefi Gnnersfbi;tFs moll bright. The candle fhines to make another fee, A ' faint unto his neighbour light fhould be. The ,hli~ing candle.we domuch def~ife, Saints dim ofTight_are high in .no rn~n s eyes. Again, though it may feem to fome a 'riddle, We pfe to light our candle at th.e middle: ·Trudiglit doth at the:caq(ile's encfappear, And grace the .heart firfl: reaches by the ear. :Sut 'tis the \Vick the fire doth kindle on, As 'tis the fteflrt that gt:ace fidl: works upon. Thus both do fafien upon what's the main, And fo their life and vigour do maintain. -c