Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

FOR YOUTH'. Thy c~fe is fo deplorable and bad ; Thou fhunn'fi to think on't, left thou !hould'il: be mad: Thou art befet with mifchiefs ev'ry way, The gallows groanet? for thee ev'ry clay. - Wherefore, I pr'ythee, thief, thy theft forbear., Confult thy fafety, pr'ythee have a care. If once thy head be got within the noofe, 'Twill be too late a longer life to choofe. As to the penitent tluou readefi ot: What's that to them who at repentance fcoff. Nor is that grace at thy command _or pow'r, ~hat thou !hould'fi put it off till the lafl: hour. I pr'ythee thief, thin-k on't, and turn b~:- ti~; . Few go to life, who do the gallows climb. Es