Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

I FOR. . YOUTH.,. XXVII{. I OJ Mofi_s andhis Wife. , T H I S Mofes was a fair and comely man;. His wife a fwatthy h:thiopian: Nor did his milk-white bofom change het: fkin~ She came out thence as· black as-!he went in. Now Mofes was a type of Mofe~>' law, His wife likewife ofone that·never faw Another way unto eternal life; · There's myfi'ry then, in Mofes and his wife.. The law is very holy, juft and good,. And ~o it is efpous'd all flelh and blood·: But yet the law its goodnefs can't beHow On any thilt are wedded·thereunto. Therefore