Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

lt'O'It Y"OtrTH • .Now this man (too) has his efpecial guider,. And by his going be ,may kt1ow his rider. Again, fome run, a~ if refo1v'd to di7 .Body and foul to all eternity. Good counfel they by no means can abide: They'll have their ceurfe,. whatever them be~ ·tide. Now thefe poor men· have their efpecial guider; • Were they not fools, . they foon might kno\v their rider. There's one makes head again!!: all godlinefs Thofe (too) that do profefs it he'll diflrefs: He'll taunt and flout if goodnefs cloth appear; And thofe that love it, he will mock and j eer. Now this man (too) has his efpecial guider.,, Andby his gping,he may know his rider. . ,. F 3 XXXVI . Upo1t