Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

64 D I V I N E E MB L E MS Anather rides tantivy, or full trot, To fhew with gravity, he matters not. Lo, here comes one amain, he rides full fpeed, Hedge, ditch, or tniry bog, he cloth not heed. One claws it up-hill' withoudiop br check, Another down, as if he'd break hi~ neck. Now ev' ry Ilorfe has his efpecial guider: Then by his going you may know the rider. C 0 M P A R I S 0 ,N • Now let us turn our horfe into a maN, The rider to a fpirit, if we can : Then let m by the methods of the guider, Tell ev·r;· horfe how he fhould know his rider. Some go as men direct, in a right way, Nor arc they fufler'd e'er to go afl:ray: A~ with a b ridle they are govern'd well, And {o arc kept from paths that lead to bell. Now this good man has his efpecial guider: Then by his going, let him know his ri der. Another goes as if he did not care. \Vbct her ol heav'n or hell he fhould be heir. The rein, it fecms, is laid upon his neck, }dH.l he ,purfucs his way without a check. Now