Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

77 XLIV. Of tht Spouje if Chrijl. W -H 0 's this that cometb from the wil~ demefs, Like iinoky pillars thus perfu1,, .1 with myrrh, Leaning upon her deareH in diilre£:~ , Plac 'd in his bofom by the comforter? She 's cl othed with the fun, crown'd with twelve Hars, . The fpotted moon her footflool fhe hath made. The dragon her a{fuits, fills her with j ail's, Yet refis J11e under her beloved ·s !hade, But whence was fhe ? \Vhat is her pedigree? vVas not he r fat her a poor Amorite? ' Vhat was her mother but as others he, A Hittite !inful, poor, and helplefs quite. G 3 Yea