Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choice and apreciousfpirit. 73 and flip with thus, andthey Mall [up switk ?nee. They have dainties which their fpirits feed upon that arefavouryeven to the father and the,Lrd Jefus Chrifl, Surely, the woilid"rniftaLs, who thinks the life ofgodlineffe not to be a comma fiwtalale life; as if the mofl excellent and highcfl li£ fhould have the worft and lowefl conditi,41: urely, it is a groffe miftake , to think that the fpiri, s ofthe Saints fhould be the moil- tad and me- lamholy fpirits Gods Spirit witneffes ,` Sof them , trat t hey are the children of the Light , yea, that they are light. If ¡ jptritus me they be fad,it isbecaufe theymeddletoo lanchodúus. much with things below ; it is when theirfpirits are down; when they get up he an pir t5 to he¡venly things, then they c rejoyce and fweeey delight them feIves ; their hears are inlarged, heir foulsare filled with joy. Thebirds, doe no: ufe co fing when they are on the ground, but when,got-up into the gyre, when on the top or trees,then they fing fweetly. If r hey be lad and melancholy, t is becau re they differnomorefrom the wo i ld then they doe, becaufe they re- rain fo much iikeneffe to your fpirits,1 íl111