Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

A gracious fpirit, rit ; not a pa n , but an earneft : for a pawn istobe returned again, butanear- net is part of the whole fumme that is follow. That which we have of GodsSpirit,is part oftheglorywe, fhal l havefully in heaven; it is not onely an evidence unto us that there is glory conzining, but it is a bcginn ng o¢ the glory? , the fulneffe whereof is ro core afterward. Such a fpirit as h nth this life, livesa life farreabo ae the corn mon life of theworld,even the life of heaven,the fame life that Angels and Saints doe livein heaven , the life cf th>>fe bleffed fpirirs there. Wee mRake if wethinke eternall life is onely inheaven ; eternal life is in this world, in the excellent frame of the fpirits of Gods fervants , i lohn3. 115. _Life is the chiefexcellen- cy communicated to the Creature, and the higheft life, the higheft excellency. There ismore diftance between theex- cellencyof the meaneft , weakeft godly man in the world, and themolt eminent man for partsand cornwon giftsonely, then between the meaneft and weakeft godly fouie , and the molteminent glo- 4 rifyed Saint in thehighelt heavens ; the weake