Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a cleìceanda/YeciOUs f iris, menof other fpirits in theirger, çr4dIns, are laid to walkwith God: God wok them up even in this world towalkwith him ; many a fweet turn have their ípi- rits with their God ; God delig its to Lave them near him , that he m+.gut re- veal and communicate himie t to the thefeknowmuchof Gods mirnde; the ferret of theLord are with thefe, and to than he reveales his Covenant, God doh not lovQ to hide his 'ace foat there. That hiddenwildome wh ich the Princes niche World knew not, which eye hathnot leene, Bare heard, neither hat entred into the hearts o fnien toconceive, 74: haththe Lordrevealedtbetn tous by hrè Spi- rit, faith the Apoftle , ',Corinth, 24 r o, even by that fpirit , that(arches the deep things ofGod, andby vertueofthi c jram munion, trefe can prevaile much with God; it is Iàid of aob nt, 3' 28 as a Prince he had power with tfcdarA prevailed. Hence :Saint E rnard in re's rneditations,givingdivers tul:sc triCt- nefe, of pz:ging tale hart, o: bring, humble and holy , a.nd Vt, hen , hou art thus, faith he thin remember me as knowing the prayers of filch a one G would Et cum Wis. fueris,mc- mentomeió Bern. ine- ditat: devo, tiff ca,o.