Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

-S4. Agraeioas pirit, .. eìF;ert, CY s a. ' atxË0,5. with him: Likeneffe is the ground of al)., liking in comcnunio.ni, it is the like- -efl'e they have to God,that makes God co delight in communion with them; Gcd :oyes tp dwell with thefe , and in eciall manner, 2 Coro 6.16, As God kf4id, Iw1 lldwel in them , and walk in ftrem 1 wù 6e their God, and they (hall be Imy peddle ; the words are vc°ry fignifi- canttn the Originally I wiir dwell in rem, -fo the-words are. There aretwo ins írt the Origin.all,as if God could ne- ver havenear enough communion with them, r`bzl. 41.1 2. ,ale fts them before his pre for ever, as loving to looke upon th m. Nowhow great, how inconcct- tviable a. dignity is this; for the poore " crc'arur to have this near communion- wits G Id? Curíèdbethat man,.-fayes that noble Marquette, Marcus Galeacc s, that prizesail the gol and flyer in the Id worth on.a Oyesenj yment of communion with jefus C hriff ; he was amano another ipitlit,; who fpake from his ownexperience, ofthat fweet he had iótjnd of communion with Chrift,who hash parted wich much-honour and 'ri- ci-tcs for him. Enochand Noah,who were men