Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

I00 A gracious Mirit, able now , is becault time ieized upon natures v<hich by Creationwere moft excellent. When difeafcs feire on the naluraii fpirits inthebody , they are the molt dangerous anddeadly. Soule-dif eaL s,ot all rifeafcs are thegreateft evils anu uAuaJly proves deadly ; yea , the lean fpirit-corruption would r_roft cer- tainly provedeadly, were it not forthe application of that blood that is more precious . then ten thoufand worlds.. Sprit difilement isfuch a defilement as (cf_ res every thing you meddlewith : as. pit. i.15. To theirrpre all things are impurr°° Of 1,7i hat ufc are men whofe ipi rirsate fovale e manymakenootherufe (If their fpiri s, but to be, as the Philo- tepherPaid of the fenf ive foule of the i wine, it fervel for no other ufe , but to ate as fait to keep the flefh fromRink.- ang, How are zany mens fpirits em- plot edabout nothing elfebut to make provifion for the fieth , and thL filthy ltltfs of it ? O that an imtnortall fpirit, c`pablÉ of =ternall communionwith the b c.ffed Cod , and to be employed in fuchhigh andheavenlyexercifes, as for which it was made,fhould nowcome to be