Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

A choice anda preciollsrpirit, 12/ eft end , and prudent in the righr difpo. íi ig of the bell means tending thereun- to : Thefe things are not the worksof fools,of poorefilly, fimple men; they require quickneffe of underftanding, depth of judgement. There are five reafons why godlineffe muff needs raife a mans pars: z Bemufe it purgesfrommany luffr, thatdarkenandbefot menintheir parts. 2 It imploys men in convertingwith high, fpirituall, and heavenly things. 3 It makes menferious, and lo flreng- thens t heir judgements,in the apprehen- %n ofthings. 4 It makes men make confctence to improve their tune, in the ufe of all means and helps theycan, toenableand fit themfelves torfervice. Fifthly , it canfeth to imploy their parts faithfully, ano fo they come to have the t"1 Piing ofCodupon them,for the ençrcafe of them , according to this promife, Tohim that bath it,fhall begiven. Again, Godlineffe lothnot makemen cowards,f urely,it hindersnot fpirituall valour; who ever were greater foul- diets , more eminent in true valour and fortitude,