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a choice and aprecìor.rfpirit. 153 CHAP VIII. Blejje God for making this diference be- tweenyourfpirits, andthe vilefpiritsof themenof the world. CEeing this other fpirit is fo excel - L. o lent and bleffed , then doe you , to whom God hath given other fpirits, learn to bleffe God for them; the mer- cies ofGod tomens fpiritsare thegrea t&mercies ;thoighyourcónditions be meaner thenothers, in other refpeâs, yet ifyour fpitits be railed to an higher excellency thenothers, youhave in- finite caufe toblefle theLord, as Paul, EpheG z. Blef edbe theLord , wbrch hath bleff`d us with all f irituall blejings in heavenly things , in Chrift. What though God hath not abounded to you in outward honours, eflates,delights,yet if hehath abounded toyou inwifdome,holineffe1 faith, humility, &c. youhave nocaufe to complain : Where God gives his Spirit, in the gifts and graces of it, there he gives all good things; hencewhere- as Saint Mattbery fayes,Chapt.7. a t. FdoW L 4 mod)