Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

"0,t, Pb dfr TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, EDVVARD VISCOUNT A/14:29)8V.ILL8. Right Honrable, _ifr Here is a common 'Zander, 44 that hat, been railed, and vile afperfion that bath been, andllill is call upon the wages of godline`fe; That they difennable mens fpirit.r s (which Salvian complainedof eleven hundr. d yeares aloe, Si quis cx nobilitate converti ad Deum coepe- Sal. 1.4. de rit, i1atitn honorem nobilitatis atnittit : O °uber. Dei, quantus in Chrittiano populo honor Chrifti c1 , ubi Religio ignobilran facit 1) That they make men rigid, melancholy, fowre, uncivil!;`' That they dull their parts; That they take; themoffrom the deltgbts of the things in the A 3 world ;