Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

world; That ifmen t4 e up , the power and f rittnefe of them, theymug refolve never to beep any correfpondence with their friends, who are of rani. and quality in the world ;and therefore , although thofe who have little of the world, andlittle. to doe in the world , may live ff riE lives, yet it is not f®r !itch who are born togreat things, whole Fortunes are rai- fedhigher then other mens, who hive referen- ce.; tomany of quality and place ; it cannot be expected that they fhouldbefo frift: this muß iseed. hinder them in their outward accct,m plifhmems ; if they begin to take fad) a courte, it is impofble they fhouldbee compleat every way, as befeeres [itch as they are : And thrts many are compelled to be evill, left they fhould be e[teemed vile, as Salvian complainer of his. time , .:a1i coguntur efnne vitas habeantur A notable fpeech of his, fully futable to our times, Thefirft obfervance (that I remem- ber) I hadofthis place in Salvian) was from your Lordfhips owne hands , fhewing it to me in him, N an expreffion that your .Lordjhip was mach-ajfeEted with. But thefe men doe not confider how much they (peak again,ft. themfeiver ; were this true , it were a,fnare, a judgement to be raiíëd in outward excellen- cies above others. No; it is not honour, they are not riches, parts, dignities , that hinder (rodlineife , it is the bafeneffë and corruption of mens Spirits, in the enjoyment of thefe,that hinders Gmdlinef fe re ifeth the exc ellencies of them,