Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choice and aprecious fpirit. 63 the fpirit of David. Tenthly, A folid, ferious fpirit; o- ther fpirits are fleigrlt,empty, vain, fro- thy , rath fpi sits, welch arc exceeding great evils in the fpiritsofmen; fleight- nef a offpirit makes men almoft unca- pableof any good; what ever judge- ment the Lord laies upon me in this world , yet the Lord deliver me from a vain, Height, frothy, fpirit : howdoe the blr.ff"ed glorious truths of God, which areof infinite cor,fequence, paffe by fuch,an4 are never minded; nothing fticks by them , nothing abides with them that maybeufefull for their ever- lafting good r butthis fpirit is put into a ferrous , folid frame ; it examines the groundofa1ions, compares one thing withanother, looks muchat the iffue of things; and thismuff needs be, becaufe the (careof thegreat God, and the fear ofeternity is fallen upon it , Efay Ir. 2. Thefe are joyned together, the fpirit of knowledge, wifdom, the fpirit of coun- fel l and the fear oftheLord : it conver- fes fo muchwithferious things ofhigh and infinite confequence , that it mull needs beput in a ferious frame. i leventhly, It isanadive,lively fpi- rit, 11.